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IMPORTANT NOTE: Before purchasing these scales, please CLICK HERE to watch our Factor B3 disassembly video to see if this is something you are ready to tackle. Even if you’re experienced with dis/assembling pocket knives, the Factor is a bit of a different beast because you’re dealing with magnets. So again, please make sure to watch the video to see what you think - before purchasing the scales. 🙂


For a cool look and lightweight carry, you can’t go wrong with these carbon fiber scales!

These extremely rigid scales will fit both the FACTOR B2 and B3, but will not work with the B1. They also won’t fit the Swiss Army Knife, because that’s a totally different knife - what were you thinking?

Click the “ADD TO CART” button if you’re ready to give your FACTOR B2 or B3 a whole new look!

P.S. These scales also make a great gag gift for non-knife people who won’t have the first clue what to do with them. :D

Quantity: 2